How much does a canopy cost?
Select Canopy Type
When we are making suggestions for a canopy type, we start with the location. If it is to be positioned alongside a building, then Asymmetric or Monopitch designs work well. If a wide span structure is required with as few posts as possible, then a Symmetric Polycarbonate or Barrel Vault is the obvious choice. Where a series of individual canopies are required, the Star, Conic and Hypar designs create a striking feature. Then once you have considered the practical aspect, it’s down to which design you like the look of!
Monopitch Polycarbonate Canopy
Symmetric Polycarbonate Canopy
Asymmetric Polycarbonate Canopy
Polycarbonate Roof Covered Walkway
Fabric Roof Covered Walkway
Hypar Fabric Canopy
Hypar Shade Canopy
Shield Fabric Canopy
Conic Fabric Canopy
Star Fabric Canopy
Barrel Vault Canopy
Timber Canopy
If the canopy is for an outdoor eating area, you can use 1.2m2 per person as an initial guide. If the options below do not suit your requirements, please contact the Streetspace team on 01227 200404 or

Rainwater system
Gutters are available as standard for Polycarbonate canopies. For Barrel Vault and Conic canopies, there is a choice of cable edge or fixed edge with guttering available on the latter only.

Rainwater drainage
If downpipes are to be connected into the existing surface water drainage system on site, or a new soakaway is required, this needs to be planned in from the outset.

Site Access
Canopies in enclosed courtyards or on sixth floor terraces will be more costly to install than one you can drive the delivery vehicle and plant right up to! A site visit will be required for a firm quotation, but please use the below options for the guide price.

Please indicate the maximum size of vehicle that can gain access to the site
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