Outdoor School Furniture

City3 street furniture, including seats, benches, tables, planters and litter bins, are sustainable designs that can be creatively adapted to invigorate any outdoor communal space. With the flexibility to be installed individually or as part of a coordinated series, these products enable creative freedom.

City3 street furniture creates possibilities for a vibrant street scene that works exceptionally well in urban environments, with the potential to serve alternative and imaginative functions besides their more uniform purpose.

Benefits of Street Furniture

One of the most advantageous characteristics of our City3 street furniture products is their multi-purpose capabilities. In educational settings, they can be employed to create an attractive dining space for pupils to enjoy their lunch, or simply indulge in social pleasures. In turn, the influence of fresh air helps contribute a positive impact on their overall well-being, from both a mental and physical perspective. 

Our range of planters brings distinct benefits by encouraging an enriching habitat for pupils to enjoy year-round. In time, these can be utilised to establish thriving ecosystems that bring colour and vibrancy to urban areas and raise awareness of the importance of the natural world.    

That sense of positive visual aesthetics can be implemented further with our range of litter bins, designed to complement urban landscapes, on top of their fundamental management of litter collection and recycling. This ability to inhibit waste negates the unseemly visual impact that comes with disregarded litter. 

Street Furniture Design

The City3 series shares a common visual form, with the merging of timber and steel a prominent aesthetic. Developed from high-quality, sustainably sourced materials where possible, the series boasts aesthetic appeal throughout. 

Design profiles range from the more minimalist, where simple elegance is derived from straight lines and a clean aesthetic, to contemporary, with styles that can be bold and futuristic.