Hove Park School, Hove

Case Study Highlights

ProjectHove Park School, Hove
ScopeTRITON Mono, 12.6m (L) x 5.0m (W)
TRITON Mono, 20.0m (L) x 12.8m (W)

Two monopitch polycarbonate roof canopies have more than doubled the covered dining space available at Hove Park School’s Nevill Campus, at a more cost-effective price point than a traditionally constructed solution.

As part of an ongoing programme of facilities upgrades, the school had recently demolished their ageing dining block, replacing it with a modern modular building with a similar footprint. However, with student numbers rising by 100, additional space was still needed for students to eat and socialise.

Streetspace supplied two TRITON Mono canopies, which wrap around two sides of the new dining block, providing seamless cover for staff and students. All works were completed within the summer holidays, with a full package including foundation construction, removal of two trees, and reinstatement of surfacing.

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